
dietPower DNA Test Kit

SKU 43
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Product Details

You want a healthy diet that helps you manage your weight. But which one is right for you? You have a unique genetic makeup that will vary in how it breaks down, absorbs and utilizes the foods you are eating. By learning your diet predispositions and food intolerances, you can avoid consuming food that is not ideal for your genetic type. Learn your genetic food sensitivities and the DNA diet right for you.

dietPower looks at genes responsible for:
Diet Management
How your body burns fat, your sensitivity to carbohydrates, your cholesterol and blood sugar regulation, and your protein requirements to help determine your optimum diet.
Weight Response
Your body’s ability to control body mass index (BMI).
Food Tolerances
Your tolerances to alcohol, caffeine, salt, lactose, gluten and sugar cravings.
Food Taste and Preferences
Your preference for caffeine, carbohydrates, fats and protein. Your taste ability for bitter, salt, sweet tastes and smoking behaviour which can lead to over or under consumption.
Vitamins and Supplements
Your need for vitamins including vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin B9 (folate), vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin D and vitamin E. Your need for Calcium, Iodine, Iron, Omega 3 and Omega 6 supplements to stay healthy.
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